Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 1: Photos

Obviously, I've pledged to mail a swap every day, not blog every day about mailing the swap.

I heard somewhere that whatever you do on NYE portends what you'll do most in the coming year, so I spent New Year's Eve making stuff. Specifically for swap projects. I wasn't particularly happy to be doing it alone, so I decided that new year's day counts in the prediction too, and we had some people over that evening for a lovely soiree. Even with all the previous night's preparation, I let myself off easy on January 1 with a photo swap.

The idea was to mail your partner one photo of any subject that you've taken. I couldn't decide between two I took on a trip to visit Fair Trade coffee farms in Chiapas, Mexico in 2005, so @IssueGirl got these two:

A candle stall in the San Cristobal market. My favorite thing about this photo is the single incandescent bulb that lit the shop. If it burned out, would the shopkeeper burn his stock?

I wandered around a bit while our guide Monika and the Maya Vinic cooperative farmers worked out a deal for shipping some containers of pergamon to the US (they were all sitting in a circle in the grass instead of around a glass table in a board room), and I found this radio facade stuck in a tree next to the warehouse where Maya Vinic stored their bagged coffee.

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